· Crown Counsel Policy Manual – SPO1 Spousal Violence – Updated March 9, - Canadian Observatory on the Justice System's Response to Intimate Partner ViolenceL’Observatoire canadien sur les mesures judiciaires . · This record contains archived and superseded sections of the Attorney General Guidelines for the Crown Prosecution www.doorway.ru VIEW THE FULL AND CURRENT VERSION of the handbook, click on the "Related" tab. PLEASE NOTE that all files in this record are out of date and should not be consulted for current information and practices. Attorney General guidelines for the Crown Prosecution Service. Summary. Detailed Information. Related (1) Description. Contains a collection of guidelines representing the Attorney General’s instructions to Alberta Crown prosecutors regarding considerations on exercising discretion. Updated. August 4,
Policies. Abduction of Children by Parent/Guardian (ABD 1) Ad Hoc Counsel (ADH 1) Alternatives to Prosecutions – Adults (ALT 1) Appeals by Crown to Court of Appeal and Supreme Court of Canada (APP 1) Appeals by Crown of Summary Conviction Matters (APP ) Bail – Adults (BAI 1) Bail Estreatments (BAI ) Charge Assessment Guidelines (CHA 1). The Crown Counsel Policy Manual is designed to assist Crown Counsel in the application of Criminal Justice Branch policy. To view this publication online please: Click Here. Author: Ministry of Attorney General. Number of Pages. Counsel Policy Manual Core Policy: Disclosure, reproduced in Sherrin Downes, ibid., at (hereinafter B.C. Crown Counsel Manual], also reproduced in M.D. Segal, Disclosure and Production in Criminal Cases, looseleaf (Toronto: Carswell, ) at BC-I [hereinafter Disclosure.
service/crown-counsel-policy-manual/ipvpdf. The development of the Crown IPV 1 policy took place as part of the BC Prosecution. 23 WATCH ABOVE: Crown prosecutors say an understaffed, overworked and exhausted justice system is creating a dire situation in Alberta courts. legislation, case law, administrative guidelines, rules, Procedure at the Bail Hearing fence or Crown counsel, a Practice Advisor, or the.