Alps Electric Printer MD Alps Electronics Photographic-Quality Color Printer MD User's Guide. Pages: See Prices. Introduction Your new Alps MD Photographic-Quality Color Printer is the first versa- tile dye-sublimation printer to bring true photographic quality to the desktop. Using Alps' patented Micro Dry Photographic-Quality Inks and Photographic- Quality media you can print detailed, continuous-tone images, similar to pho- tographs. Downloads 10 Drivers for Alps MD Printers. Here's where you can downloads the newest software for your MD
Alps MD Printer. I got into the photp gift business a few years ago, I used an Alps MD printer which worked great, they went out of business and I bought a bunch of dye sub ink, the cable was a bi-direcctional cable, I now want to start using it again, I think I found the right driver, and bought a parallel to usb cable, my computer. ALPS MD, , , i should be run exclusively on Windows XP (PC must have parallel printer port and should be disconnected from internet to avoid virus as Win XP is not supported by Microsoft against new virus attacks. Alps Printer MD/ Driver Download. Alps Printer MD/ Driver for Mac OS. This driver is marked with "MS" (e.g., "ALPS MD(MS)"), and as it lacks the functionality of the native ALPS driver, it should not be set as the default printer. To avoid confusion, this driver should be uninstalled, but the OS may automatically install it again if the user attaches a powered-up printer via the parallel-to-USB cable to.
Sales of ALPS MicroDry and dye-sublimation printers, inks and accessories from MD 3 J (parallel) and 3 S (SCSI) models. MD 5 in stock. Free expert Owners manual pdf · Alps MD Manuals for m and m · ALPS MD, MD, MD, MD, MD Please note that we. Hard copy of Windows XP Driver installation instructions. Genuine Windows XP (32 bit only) licence required. Not for novice computer owners. Recommend knowledge.